The initial project in 2003 consisted of the renovation of the social hall and kitchen of this church, while transforming an adjacent 30’ x 200’ lot into a memorial garden and playground. The need for an accessible entrance to the sanctuary was subtly accomplished by weaving a ramp into the garden’s design and enlivens the space visually and functionally by connecting to the social hall as well. Through improved lighting and completely new interiors, the social hall is now a warm, welcoming and brighter space. The playground serves the church’s daycare in a secure environment within its urban context.
Years later in 2013, the congregation brought us back to design renovations to the interior of the sanctuary, as well as restore and re-lamp the existing light fixtures. All existing fixtures were replaced with energy-efficient LED lamps, which significantly reduced energy and maintenance costs, while improving the quality of light in the space. We also coordinated energy rebates through American Electric Power, helping to offset some of the cost of the fixture upgrades.