Bob Bailey Senior Wellness Center
The Cabell County Community Services Organization and the City of Huntington West Virginia chose a location in the heart of West Huntington’s Old Central City district for a new senior center. The building sits on an abandoned railroad right of way which intersects 14th Street West, a vibrant antique district. ETA partnered with Lifespan Design Studio as senior center design specialists for the project. The design team developed a 3,500 square foot layout which optimizes ease of access and use by seniors, including rethinking the typical layout of a senior center by creating an interior central lobby which acts as a hub for activities within the building, including a medical triage and treatment space, fitness room, and a large, gathering space which can be divided into two spaces for exercise classes, dining, games, and activities. An outdoor patio relates to the public gazebo structure to the east, enhancing interaction with community events. The butterfly roof extends over the patio with slender, angled steel supports to shade from the western sun. The interior and exterior are elevated with elegant, natural materials and furnishings designed by ETA’s interior design team. The building serves as an extension of the vibrant streetscape, and will serve as a resource for the community for years to come.